This time around it’s Google One VPN that gets the ax. The service that was originally launched back in 2020 is going to be discontinued later this year, 9to5google reports.
According to Google, not enough people are using the VPN feature to justify the resources it needs to exist, so the company decided to discontinue the service and allow its teams to refocus and “support more in-demand features with Google One.”
Google has already started to email customers about the changes (via Mishaal Rahman): “… we’re discontinuing free shipping for select print orders from Google Photos (in Canada, the UK, US, and EU) starting May 15 and VPN by Google One later this year.”
Pixel users will still be able to enjoy the benefits of the VPN service from Google through Pixel settings, but only if you own a Pixel 7 or newer model.
As a reminder, Google One VPN was launched four years ago and required customers to pay a $9.99 monthly fee to use it. The price dropped to just $1.99 per month one year ago, but it looks like it still wasn’t appealing enough to convince more customers to start using it.
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